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Green Jersey, the name:

If you thought of the green jersey from the Tour of France when reading the name, you're absolutely right. My passion for cycling as a viewer and amateur practitioner was one of the reasons for the choice of the name.


For instance, the battle for the green jersey has evolved enormously in recent years. It is no longer about winning just those typical sprint stages. It is about so much more.
A cunning strategic plan, teamwork, preparation, training, skills, persistence and versatility determine whether you qualify these days for the leadership in this classification.


A change that requires ingredients that are very similar to what Green Jersey offers in its services to support companies and organizations in their necessary evolution to be future-oriented and shock-resistant.


Let's form a 'green' peleton of companies and organizations that successfully integrate sustainability practices into their business strategy and policy!

Green Jersey, the founder:


Passionate about science, nature and technology, I graduated in 2004 as a graduate in biotechnology (specialization in cell and gene technology) and a few years later, in 2007, as an engineer in biochemistry (MSc.). ​


The professional trajectory that I have followed can be found in my CV or via my LinkedIn profile, together with some references and additional activities that have shaped me into the professional I am today. ​


Connecting people is wired in my DNA. I am the chairman of the FM network of VOKA Limburg for many years now and I also have an active role in the board of directors of IFMA Belgium. Together with the 'Life Long Learning' principle, it is my ambition to continuously grow and gain knowledge and expertise so I can meet the challenges that my clients are facing in the industry.



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